Via @Wikibruce on Twitter: (Apr 21 2:08pm)
[in]Visible Belfast – “in the pleiad, find the multitude; in the city, the universe” [begins May 12] #ARGs
Categories: Tweets
Via @Wikibruce on Twitter: (Apr 28 9:02am)
ARG: “The Jewel Of The Valleys” from the National Civil War Museum, launches May 16 #ARGs @ACWAR_Project @cwsoldier24_7
Tags: jewel of the valleys
Categories: Tweets
Via @Wikibruce on Twitter: (Apr 21 2:08pm)
[in]Visible Belfast – “in the pleiad, find the multitude; in the city, the universe” [begins May 12] #ARGs
Categories: Tweets
Via @Wikibruce on Twitter: (Apr 19 11:53am)
Your online entrance exam is ready. All agents are to report for initial tests and briefing immediate at #ARGs #THOR
Via @Wikibruce on Twitter: (Apr 19 9:04am)
Got Portal 2? Experience an “interactive trailer” for Super 8 from the game’s Extras menu: #Super8
Via @Wikibruce on Twitter: (Apr 15 1:12pm)
Venturebeat: Valve generates a consumer backlash with end of alternate reality game #args
Via @Wikibruce on Twitter: (Apr 13 11:58am)
Excellent summarization video of Valve’s Potato ARG as of Apr 8! – #ARGs
Via @Wikibruce on Twitter: (Apr 6 5:25pm)
Great analysis of a @GameOfThrones #TheMaestersPath puzzle solution and experience – #ARGs /via @4DFiction
Tags: game of thrones, maesters path
Categories: Tweets
Via @Wikibruce on Twitter: (Apr 5 5:26pm)
Bruce Boxleitner talks behind the scenes of #FlynnLives and his love for #Tron | @MovieLine interview #ARGs