Posts Tagged ‘snakesonacane’
August 5th, primetime, Fox launches a new viral. Reports are popping up all around the blog-o-sphere that hidden within commercials during shows including So You Think You Can Dance and Hell’s Kitchen was this very short teaser commercial:
Simple, really. A caduceus, with a cane as the centerpiece. The teaser quotes the website This website contains the same basic information, with one change, however: There is a countdown timer (staple of ARG/Viral hype!) counting down to September 21, 2009, 8pm (local time).
The leading theory about this teaser is that it is in fact the beginning of a promotion for the season premiere of the hit Fox TV drama House, M.D., of which I am a huge fan.
Well, looking quite a while back, on the ARG Netcast episode 24 from May 13 2007, the panelists were asked for what property they would love to see an ARG created. This happened to be an episode I was present for as a panelist, and after contemplating the question for some time, I was obliged to answer House!
Have TPTB at Fox heard my cry for a House ARG?
Doubtful. Will this turn out to be the next great TV ARG? It’s hard to say right now, but my guess is – No. Like the witty doctor House once said, “…like the philosopher Jagger once said, ‘You can’t always get what you want.'” Unfortunately. While I’d love to see a House ARG, I don’t think the show is necessarily all that conducive to an ARGish experience, though I could be wrong (I hope I’m wrong!). But for now I believe this may just be another viral campaign to drum up interest and press.
It is, however, working. And I for one, am excited to see what will be pulled from this little hat.
“The problem could be neurological. Everyone knows TV rots your brain.”
(bonus points if you know the quote that inspired the title of this article!)
UPDATE / Aug 10 has updated. A minor update, but the link to House is now quite obvious.
“I was deluded into thinking I was crazy”
Tags: fox, house, snakesonacane
Categories: TV Series, Viral General