When the ARGFest fires are lit and burning, the ARG wheels keep on turning! Late last week, Wikibruce received a package in the mail containing some time-sensitive content, with a message dated July 13.
Unfortunately, by the time it was received, the deadline for retrieval of July 20 had long passed. @Wikibruce then received word from @FelicityVelius that the deadline had been extended two weeks. From July 20, that means the following task must be completed by August 3rd — 3 days as of the time of this writing.
Here, outlined, are the contents of this package…
The “Package”
GPS coordinates: 31.526805, -97.170242
These land on a UPS Store in Waco, Texas.
Two envelopes – one addressed to Wikibruce, the other to Mr.Eugene McKinstry.
* Post marked Chicago ILL, Dec 20 10am, 1912
* To 1010 James St., Seattle Washington
Friday, July 13, 2012
Dearest Wikibruce:
I have followed your work with interest. Enclosed is a key and directions.My time is running out, you will not hear from me again.
Open the box by July 20.
Yours, Felicity
The deadline, via contact, has been extended to August 10th.
The card reads:
A Merry Christmas
Tis sweet to be remembered, if only with a thought,
So am sending you kind wishes that never could be bought.
( Grace )
The post-it note reads:
This is all I could get out of the Archive. They’ve been at it for a while, huh?
Hand-written message reads:
My Dear Colleague,
How blessed we are to reside in a land with a reliably prompt and private post. You will be pleased to hear that our commodity reallocation plan is proceeding according to schedule. Heavy investment in Steel, Rubber, Copper and Crude Oil should serve us well through the close of this Decade. If you have not already done so, our dear friend, Baron R. who I have been told is quite well though advanced in years, suggests a gradual sale of any European consumer based assets before the close of 1913.
To Our Continued Success, E. HarrisonHandling notes:
To be destroyed by or collected upon the death of recipient
No. 4 M.
Copyright, 1912.
Canterbury Series
What we can gather from this mailing is that there is an archive of “European consumer based assets” originally from ~1911-13 that were being distributed, which were likely in the possession of “Baron R” and being handled by “Grace” and “E Harrison” (the writer of the message). The letter was sent to “Mr Eugene McKinstry” in Seattle (per the envelope) in 1912, which was only recently sent to “F” (Felicity) from “D” (unknown). Felicity then in turn mailed the retrieval instructions to Wikibruce.
The question is – how will Wikibruce retrieve the box with the key by August 10th? Any suggestions?
Felicity also has a blog herself at FelicityVelius.com and lives socially at @FelicityVelius and on Facebook.
I wonder what’s in that lock box…
[Update Aug 1]
Felicity has made contact again and relieved the stress on the deadline. Retrieval must now be done ASAP. *phew* The wheels are turning…
Tags: barons archive
Categories: ARGs General, Grassroots, Rabbit Hole
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