A rainbow? Aurora Borealis? The Titanic?
I Am Blind.
Someone is.
Recently, ARGN received a mysterious message on its tipline (download and listen here) with an computer-emulated whispering voice saying:
Alone in the darkness. Send your mailing address to 1003@iamblind.org
The email address we’re not sure of yet, because all attempts to email it have resulted in bounced responses. Perhaps someone else might be figure out an alternate transcription of the email address?
The website, however, contains the single phrase, barely visible: “I am blind”. Placing your mouse pointer over the phrase causes another sound bite to be played. This one sounds like a recording in a crowded area such as a mall, where a number of voices are overlaid of people answering this simple question:
The last thing I want to see is…
What does it mean? One theory is that it’s a viral campaign for the upcoming movie Blindness, releasing Sept 26th.
The final response, however, feels eerily significant:
I would try to remember each day, and maybe if I was successful enough, maybe it would be like I could see again.
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Tags: iamblind
Categories: ARGs General, Movies, Rabbit Hole