Monday was a slow day… But then it started looking up when a package (beware, this word will be used extensively throughout this report) was found delivered to the doorstep of Wikibruce! This package was bulky, but light and soft. My eyes were drawn to the corner, whereupon a 2×3 collage of… well, perhaps you should take a look at the photos below, and see what you can make of it…
The “Package”
A note that reads [sic]:
To Who It Concers: I Like The Cut Of Your Jibb. Join My Team Dont Delay!! Apply Today!!!
Yours Jud
The package also contained another single strip (pun not intended) collage of states of undress.
Unfolded from within its envelope was a pair of fresh tighty whities. And, smack on the sweet spot, yes indeed – a QR code. Just when you thought they couldn’t be placed anywhere worse.
They put a QR code on it.
A closeup of the QR code on it – on the package, within the package.
On this website, plain and simply, the visitor is greeted by this snippy little video:
Lo and behold, at the end of the video, they put another QR code on it. This one, of course, begins a trail of happytime QR codes which reveals a series of web pages:
(the following has been updated since initially posted – apparently a mistake in the puzzle was fixed)
Now, firstly, each of these QR codes are comprised of both blue and black dots. Each these (including the home page) have blue dots spanning a central horizontal column.
Out of healthy curiosity, one can choose to combine the blue dots, as depicted in the result below. (only 3 have been combined in the image below, so you get the idea)
It seems pretty clear that a word is forming in the center. Which, conveniently, may well play into this next puzzle:
The final page of the above trail,, presents a hexagonal dial leading to six private, locked videos, each requiring a password. The webpage title reads “cyche“.
Could the blue dots form the password?
Viral Verdict
There’s something creepy afoot here. Someone has a thing for underwear, and QR codes. This may be a very volatile combination… on the other hand, it could be the start to a highly entertaining promotion for a new high culture fashion trend.
Yet these questions remain:
- Who is “Jud”?
- Who is on his/her team?
- Where is he/she hiding?
- What are the video passwords?
- Should I wear the tighty whities?
- What secrets am I hiding?
I leave these up to you (most of them), oh wondrous ARG community! Tear this thing apart. Get to the bottom of it all. No time to waist bandying about!
If you have any input or solutions, please post your comments below, or visit the Unfiction forums and join in the discussion.
Don’t forget to wear your tighty whities!
Tags: putaqrcodeonit
Categories: ARGs General, Grassroots, Miscellaneous Products, Rabbit Hole, Viral General
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