Contact Wikibruce

   Posted by: thebruce

How to contact Wikibruce…



PO Box 42049 Conestoga
Waterloo, ON    N2L 5W0

5 comments so far

Dave Perkins

I saw an Flash banner ad for saying ‘keep this site human’ and the anti-non-human symbol.

March 2nd, 2009 at 10:21 pm
The Psychoticmilkman

Just found your Super 8 Wiki (love it).
Just wanted to point out that the newest update, the picture on the printout…the picture is of the 11th frame from the Super 8 camera in the end of the trailer.
check out frame 11.

you’ve probably already noticed, just figured you should mention it on the Wiki. Thanks

July 14th, 2010 at 2:51 am
Eduard (GT incno)

I have a new theory about the ring codes for halo reach (your page):

they could be some form of complex binary based on this clock i found:

I bring this up because the recent H4 arg which i stumbled upon through google, to your site then the thread on wwaypoint has got me thinking that not everything in Reach has been uncovered. Legendary ending mainly.

I believe Sec3OP begain involving everyone in the game because i started directing people to your site for them to get up to speed on what had been collected (thats how i had gotten up to speed) your sitre was clear and accessable for noobs learning about the arg. thanks for your work.

In addition i wasnted to say that your archivle of the past ARGs was amazing, Ilove bees was moving and as a fan of the lore in the haloverse i’m glad you kept it or i might have missed such a gem.

I know nothing about how to posibly decypher the binary circle glyph codes in reach though. i thought i might pass on the theory in hopes other can follow up. no one is in the reach secets group i was part of on any more.

thanks for your work, and have fun on the battlefield,

a fellow halo fan!

November 9th, 2012 at 11:08 am

S2, S3, S4, S6 are all 1 square south of correct (the guardian cannot be in a wall, for instance) :)


July 16th, 2013 at 1:24 pm
Shelly K.

I was playing the Human Preservation Project game for nearly 2 years. I
completed the game, but the IR code on my player profile did not complete.
Now, the website is gone. What happens when you complete the IR code?

March 20th, 2014 at 7:56 pm

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