Detecting Star Trek chatter
Abrams’ next big screen gem will officially be hitting theatres in 2 1/2 weeks, and the virals are finally ramping up.
Long ago, the website was activated, displaying four security camera angles of what appeared to be the construction of a very large vessel (the Enterprise, of course), and it drew throngs of interested followers. This week, however, the website went offline (rather, it now redirects to after many months of inactivity, to the disappointed sighs of many fans looking forward to some high quality visuals and experiences.
Replacing it, however, is a very subdued, mysterious multi-lingual chat session occurring between five individuals, believed to be operating under the pseudonyms Si, Ca, Al, Fe, and O. The mystery has ongoing coverage at the fan site, first reporting on April 10th about a number of binary-URL websites that were discovered.
Later, an individual named Malak0 reported finding a device in France, and wanted to return it to its owner, but no one could convince him they were the rightful owner. covered it on April 15th.
Once again, the website containing the chat between the five individuals was updated with more chatting, as outlined on April 17th.
Most recently, these chatting individuals were discovered to have transferred to Twitter in order to better converse. Primarily, User #4 and #5 have been active. This was reported April 20th.
(You can also follow the ARG happenings by tracking the twitter keyword #startrekarg)
Today, however, Malak0 decided to share a video where he shows off the strange PDA-like device. The video is entirely in French, and begs an English translation (or whatever language you may otherwise prefer).
If you are able to translate the video, please comment below. (update: A full english transcript has been added to the wiki)
I had previously set up a wiki, prepared to update with happenings at, but it is still a great tool to keep up to date with the happenings of this particular viral. You can read the chat transcripts and catch up with other details at:
You can continue continue conversing with the Trek community at any of the articles linked above, or you could also join the discussion and coverage at Unfiction.
Categories: ARGs General, Movies
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