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Via @Wikibruce on Twitter:
Check this out: During #ILoveBees, a player strove to animate Perdita’s Tale. It’s now a @kickstarter! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1772100576/the-tale-of-perdita #ARGs
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Tag cloud
007 8-3-11 39clues 42E 2009 abc abrams akoha akqa aladygma alcatraz amanda palmer america2049 apollo18 are argfest armacham awards babel research barons archive batman blackhelix blizzard bungie butterfinger byologyc bzzt channel 4 charlotte christian citizens of virtue comiccon conspiracyforgood coverup d20 darkestpuzzle dave szulborski deaddrop deleted discussion disney eklipse failtech fbi fear2 find-makarov find the future finn flashforward foundonthetape fox fringe game of thrones gamerdna gearsofwar2 geocaching glass heaven Gnomes goforth guide halo hellboy herorising hitman5 holomove house iamblind ice shock IFILR iftf ilovebees infex ingenbio intimation jacobaaron jchutchins jericho jewel of the valleys julian teng kring levis loneshark lost lostring maesters path media meta mg harris microsoft mir-12 mirror's edge mosaic collective nestle netcast nexus humanus notestomary obay oneoneone pax east personal effects portal2 PSHome putaqrcodeonit raffle resistance rob bell roswell mystery routes rubys bequest saverco sebastian fitzek shreddies singularity skyfall slayher snakesonacane snowtown sony spiderman star trek super8 sxsw tarot by saranna TDK terminator testsubjectsneeded the floating city the inside experience the international the optimist the process thereisnolist thewhiteisland thisismymilwaukee thor toronto toyota tron valve vanished watchmen webishades whatsinthebox wikibruce wow wrb xi year zero yellow curtain zedto
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- December 2008
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- August 2008
- July 2008
- June 2008
- March 2008
- February 2008
- Halo (2001-10)
- Tie-in: Halo video games
- Halo: Reach related (2010):
- Remember Reach
- Control point Defense
- Halsey's Journal
- Halo 3: ODST related (2009):
- ODST hub
- Sadie's Story
- We Are ODST
- Halo 3 related (2007):
- Iris
- Halo 2 related (2004):
- Ilovebees.com
- Player wiki
- Axon transcriptions
- Creepy fanfic
- The 39 Clues (2008)
- Tie-In: Scholastic's young readers novel series "The 39 Clues"
- The39Clues.com
- Flynn Lives! (2010)
- Tie-in: "Tron: Legacy"
- FlynnLives.com
- PitCell.com
- Encom International
- IMDB Movie page
- Disney.com/tron
- Human Preservation Project (2011)
- Tie-in: 5 Gum, and...?
- SurvivalCode.com
- TestSubjectsNeeded.com
- MissionIcefly.com
- TraelekInstitute.com
- Super 8 (2011)
- Tie-in: Upcoming film "Super 8"
- ScariestThingIEverSaw.com
- RocketPoppeteers.com
- IMDB Movie page
- Super8-Movie.com
- The Black Helix (2011)
- Tie-in: Crowd-sourced novel
- TheBlackHelix.com
- RocketPoppeteers.com
- IMDB Movie page
- Conspiracy For Good (2010)
- "Game for good", ARG from Tim Kring (Heroes)
- ConspiracyForGood.com
- BlackwellBriggs.com
- America 2049 (2011)
- Tie-in: Independent project
- America2049.com
- CouncilOnAmericanHeritage
- DividedWeWillFall.com
- 221b (2009)
- Tie-in: Film, "Sherlock Holmes"
- 221b.sh
- WB Movie home
- Levis: Go Forth (2009)
- Tie-in: Levi Strauss jeans
- goforth.levi.com
- Mosaic Collective (2009)
- Tie-in: ABC's Flash Forward TV series
- FlashForward @ ABC
- JoinTheMosaic.com
- TruthHack.com
- District 9 (2008)
- Tie-in: District 9, Neill Blomkamp's upcoming 2009 feature film
- D-9.com
- MultinationalUnited.com
- MNUSpreadsLies.com
- The Yellow Curtain (2008)
- Grassroots Chaotic Fiction
- YellowCurtain.com
- Dollhouse (2008-09)
- Tie-in: Joss Whedon's sci-fi series "Dollhouse"
- DitchTheTech.com
- RossumCorporation.com
- SenatorDanielPerrin.org
- Watchmen (2009)
- Tie-in: Watchmen movie
- TheNewFrontiersman.net
- Watchmen WB Site
- Terminator (2008-09)
- Tie-in: Fox TV Series / Movie Franchise
- TakeBackTheFuture.com
- EniTechLabs.com
- DysonTrust.com
- SkynetResearch.com
- This Is My Milwaukee (2008)
- Tie-in: Unknown
- Thisismymilwaukee.com
- Synydyne.com
- The Legacy of Julian Teng (2008)
- Tie-in: GamerDNA/WoW
- Bud's Group @ GamerDNA
- Star Trek XI (2008)
- Tie-in: JJ Abrams' upcoming Star Trek film
- NCC-1701.com
- 13 Lights (2008)
- Grassroots Chaotic Fiction. Launched prior to ARGFest 2008.
- 13Lights.com
- 13Lights.org
- SkyIncorporated.org
- The Book of Minimer Randibone (2007)
- Grassroots Chaotic Fiction. Slow moving.
- ExileArchive.com
- Resistance 2 (2008)
- Tie-in: Resistance 2, PS3 video game sequel to Fall of Man
- GetAWarJob.com
- ProjectAbraham.com
- AmericaFirstAmericaOnly.com
- Citizens of Virtue (2008)
- Tie-In: "Jesus Wants to Save Christians" book by Rob Bell and Don Golden
- CitizensOfVirtue
- JesusWantsToSaveChristians
- Love Resurrected (2008)
- Tie-In: Album of the same name by Gina Borys?
- Love-Resurrected.com
- RoseMickalide.com
- The Lost Ring (2008)
- Tie-in: 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics
- TheLostRing.com
- FindTheLostRing.com
- TheLostGames.com
- Fringe (2008)
- Tie-In: "Fringe" TV series on FOX
- MassiveDynamic.com
- ImagineTheImpossibilities.com
- Why so serious? (2007)
- Tie-in: Warner Bros's upcoming film Batman: The Dark Knight
- WhySoSerious.com
- IBelieveInHarveyDent
- IBelieveInHarveyDentToo
- Hellboy 2 (2008)
- Tie-in: Guillermo del Toro's upcoming Hellboy film
- HETFET.org
- LexiLloyd.com
- Transformers: Sector Seven (2007)
- Tie-In: Transformers, the movie.
- SectorSeven.org
- Livepsych (2007)
- Grassroots: A psychological experiment
- Hurts to Heal.com
- The Host: Monster Hunters Club (2006-2007)
- Tie-in: Korean film, "The Host"
- monsterhunterclub.com
- Dr.Pepper: The Hunt For More (2007)
- Tie-in: The soft drink, Dr.Pepper
- Dr.Pepper
- Hunt for more
- Origami Shadows (2007)
- (Creative fiction, historical ref - the wiki is no longer being kept up to date)
- OrigamiShadows.com
- The Reindeer Games (2006)
- Grassroots: Christmas holiday-themed puzzle game
- Home forums (no longer available)
- Fallen: Ocular Effect (2006)
- Landalan (2006)
- Grassroots
- Landalan.org (no longer available)
- Ny Takma [the end] (2006)
- Grassroots
- 746865656e64.com
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